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Adoptee's Day

Day of reflection on Adoption and Identity Research. Following the success of last year's half-day discussion on adoption during the “Adoptee's Day”, we wanted to take this subject a step further by offering a space for sharing and reflection during a special day, totally free of charge, dedicated to identity research. On the program: an inspiring tale, interactive workshops with testimonials, and information on family tracing procedures. The day was an opportunity to better understand the challenges of adoption and to explore the paths of identity research, while encouraging exchanges between participants.

Program Show - Tale "Between Two Mothers" by Kyung Wilputte⁣⁣ 

Interactive workshops:

Workshop 1: discussion with the artist/testimony of family reunions

Workshop 2: meditation Heartfulness

Workshop 3: Reflection "Why do I need to (re)search for my identity?"

Workshop 4: Descendants of Korean Adoptees (DoKAD) - Meeting

Presentation of procedures for searching for biological family with the National Center for the Rights of the Child (NCRC) and the Korean government agencies that can assist in the search for biological family

Presentation of the Korean Embassy for the DNA testing procedure.

Here are the materials presented during the information sessions and workshops, along with some brochures:

  • Presentation NCRC
  • Why do I need to search for my identity?
  • Searching for one's origins.
  • Genetic testing procedure at the Embassy of Korea.
  • Biological family search through DNA testing.